severe test 近义词
等同于 trial
severe test 的近义词 46 个
- ordeal
- adversity
- affliction
- albatross
- anguish
- annoyance
- bane
- blow
- bother
- burden
- calvary
- care
- complication
- crucible
- difficulty
- distress
- drag
- grief
- hardship
- hassle
- heartbreak
- inconvenience
- irritation
- load
- misery
- misfortune
- nightmare
- nuisance
- pain
- pest
- plague
- rigor
- sorrow
- suffering
- thorn
- tribulation
- unhappiness
- vexation
- vicissitude
- visitation
- woe
- wretchedness
- cross to bear
- hard time
- pain in the neck
- trying time